Friday 22 March 2013

The Unexpected.

Hi All

Over the last few months I have experienced a lot of changes which have thrown me for six. However, I am still here.  I know that things happen for a reason but I am still working out why this happened to me? I know that in the long run it’s for the best and it will all turn out OK. But still I am scratching my head.
I have gone from living in the heart of east London to northwest London, zone four.  I can’t just walk anywhere anymore. I have to take the tube. I hate the tube. I have always been a bus girl, so having to get the tube is annoying and irksome.  If that’s not enough it’s about 10 stops on the Metropolitan Line to get into central London and even longer on the Bakerloo Line. Sigh.

Where I am living is very towny and reminds me so much of home which is not a good thing. Although I am still in London,  I could be in the suburbs. This is not my London.  I don’t think that I will get used to living here. However, I know it’s only temporary and I will be moving back to the heart of east London by the end of summer.

As we all know moving house is one of the most stressful things that you can do. They got that right. This has been one hell of a stressful move.  I didn’t know where I was moving to until the last minute.  Yes, February was a month that I am glad to see the back off. March has been better and I hope the rest of the year will just get better and better.

If moving wasn’t stressful enough. I was without broadband for three weeks! That’s how long it took my provider to activate my account. Those three weeks were bloody miserable.  I had to rely on my phone and internet cafes ( which allowed adult content sites) to update my website and online profiles. I felt so self-conscious updating my website in the cafés. I  felt that I was doing something naughty.  

A while back I went to a sex worker drop-in and had the opportunity to meet some great people who I now call friends. It’s so nice to meet others in the industry and share stories, advice and tips. One of the girls I met was a documentary maker and photographer.  We met again over a glass of wine and we got chatting about her project on sex workers.  A asked me if I would like some photos done for my website. Well, I jumped at the chance to get some professional photos . You can see the results on my website – I love them. Thanks A!

Until next time.


Torie x